Our Work with Foundations & Public Charities

Our team works with clients who are large foundations, family foundations, non-profits, and public charities to help support their investment selection and monitoring process. We collaborate with the organization’s Executive Director, Board Members and their other trusted professionals such as, CPA’s and attorneys to provide  ideas for investment strategies that adhere to their Investment Policy Statement (IPS), Cash-Flow requirements, Organizational Funding needs, and Organizational Planned Giving, 

Investment Policy Statement

We believe that foundations and charities should have an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) to document and guide the investment decision-making and monitoring process for the organization We collaborate with the organization's Executive Director, Board of Directors, Trustees, and Investment Committee as they work to develop an IPS that addresses the needs, goals and direction of the organization. After the organization has developed their IPS, we help our clients understand both the short-term operational needs and long-term financial goals of the nonprofit, as well as liquidity needs, risk tolerance, and other unique characteristics of the nonprofit.

Investments, Asset Allocation & Diversification

We help foundations and public charities as part of their investment review process to construct diversified investment portfolios which strive to balance expected returns, risk, asset allocation, diversification, and overall portfolio expenses.

Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee a profit or protect against losses in a declining market

Performance Reporting

We provide investment performance reporting. We meet regularly with the organization's Executive Director and Investment Committee to help ensure that the asset allocation and investment strategies are performing within the targeted risk-adjusted returns while addressing risk and liquidity requirements as guided by the organization’s IPS.

Donor Education

At the organizations direction we meet regularly with donors to help educate them on the organization’s Investment Policy Statement (IPS), and to communicate our team’s Asset Allocation Modeling, Investment Discipline & Style, Relative Performance, Risk Management, and Investment Composition.